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Jacob Mathew

Jacob is a seasoned SEO Team Lead at Webtmize, where he brings over a decade of marketing expertise to the forefront. With over three years of dedicated service to Webtmize's SEO team, Jacob has become an indispensable asset, leveraging his technical prowess, leadership skills, and a keen understanding of the digital landscape.


An SEO Checklist: 15 Must-Haves for Launching A New Webpage

Launching a new webpage is exciting! It's a chance to share your ideas with the world and potentially reach a massive audience. But before you hit publish, there's some crucial groundwork to lay. This checklist equips you with 15 SEO must-haves, the essentials to ensure your webpage gets noticed by search engines and potential visitors

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An SEO Checklist: 15 Must-Haves for Launching A New Webpage

Launching a new webpage is exciting! It's a chance to share your ideas with the world and potentially reach a massive audience. But before you hit publish, there's some crucial groundwork to lay. This checklist equips you with 15 SEO must-haves, the essentials to ensure your webpage gets noticed by search engines and potential visitors

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